viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013

'Queen of the Corset "

The 'Queen of the Corset ' has a waist that measures only 38 inches in diameter. How do you get it? Using a tight corset over 25 years only taking it off to bathe. What is most impressive is that Jung Cathie reached that figure and continues as an adult , since it now has more than 70 years. .
It all started after serving 40 years. That's when did your love of Victorian style clothing , characterized by the use of thin waist corset and , typical of women of the court of Queen Victoria of the nineteenth century .About the consequences of carrying a waist that size, she explains that she can do whatever she wants. It is true that you should eat small portions of food , but still at his age is right that everyone should do. The only time that the corset is uncomfortable when you sit on low chairs some restaurants and must twist your waist too . .
Cathie Jung is not deprived of anything. As she explains , has a special bathing suit with corset , so you can go to the beach and dive into the sea without problems . Also says he's still able to do housework , unfortunately. .
The Corset Queen or woman wasp waist , is married to Bob , an orthopedic surgeon and after having reviewed , through X -ray , finds that the corset did not cause any harm in it. And even states that it is comfortable to sleep . .
Anyway remains a modification extreme , this means that the body is being deformed unnatural form and that eventually has consequences not entirely agreeable . .
Finally, we remind you that Cathie Jung has won the Guinness World Record for being the woman 's waist is smaller than alive. Who held the record until the day of his death was Ethel Granger , who reached a waist of 32.5 cm .

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