jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Lotus feet...

Legend says that in the tenth century , Emperor Li Yu ordered his favorite concubine foot binding with silk ribbons and dancing on a platform that had carved a lotus flower . Is still unknown the exact origin of foot binding in China , but more or less true to the legend, it is known that the first who began to bind her feet were dancers palace in the tenth century, with the aim of enhancing the grace of their movements. Court spread to the upper classes and in the sixteenth century popularized throughout China and in all social classes .

  Over time, the meaning became absolutely opposite - to enhance the grace of restrict - movements , adapting to feminine values ​​espoused by Confucius : domestic life , virtue , motherhood and manual labor .

  Despite the change of meaning , the initial sensuality , far from being lost and deepened ' lotus feet ' was considered the most erotic part of a woman's body . However, so that the feet were to become golden lotus - work of art and an object of desire - should measure only three inches and have the following characteristics : be thin, small , pointed, arched, fragrant , soft and symmetrical.

  Says a Chinese saying , " A pretty face is a gift from heaven , a pair of pretty feet is my job ." And that hard work began at the age of five or six years , from the hands of mothers, provided they could afford to keep his daughter no work outside the home .

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