jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Panda comunication... :)

Giant pandas do not communicate like other animals. Their faces can not show expressions. With no crest or mane, have nothing to lift. His ears are not high enough to be tilted forward, and their tails are too thick. Because of these limitations, pandas are forced to communicate through other methods, such as speed odoriferous.

Dial odoriferous
The giant panda produces a secretion from the anal glands and then rub it in the trunks of trees and rocks. This secretion is a dark substance, thick and sticky hard work required to remove it. A female leaves a mark to advertise that is in heat and ready to play or to mark territory. Another panda can communicate a lot through their brand odoriferous, including gender, age, reproductive status and mood. A panda uses a variety of positions to make his mark olfactory, including upside down, one paw raised, or squatting.

voice communication
Besides the scent mark, giant pandas also communicate verbally. Emit up to 11 different sounds. To intimidate another panda, produce bark-like sound. During the breeding season, a pair mating chirps like the bleating of a goat. They have shown other sounds, including howls, squawks, wheezing, barking and growling.

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